COVID-19: What You Need to Know
** Please check back regularly for updates on how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts Numeris radio surveys
Are you wondering how COVID-19 affects the upcoming survey releases? Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.
Fall 2020 Survey
1. Is the Fall 2020 survey release impacted by COVID-19?
Yes. The Numeris Fall 2020 has been cancelled.
2. Is Spring 2021 survey release impacted by this decision?
Not at this time. The Spring 2021 is still scheduled for release in June 2021.
3. What will happen to the surveys collected for the Fall 2020 survey?
The diaries that were collected for the Fall 2020 survey will be used along with surveys collected in Spring 2021.
Spring 2020 Survey
1. Is the Spring 2020 survey release impacted by COVID-19?
Yes. The Spring survey will be released as scheduled on Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 9:00am ET, however the measurement period has changed. The last four measurement weeks (March 9, March 23, April 6 and April 20) will not be included. The Spring 2020 survey will be comprised of 6 weeks from Fall 2019 and 8 weeks from Spring 2020. The remaining four weeks will consist of diaries from the previous release (either Spring 2019 or Fall 2018) as needed.
2. Will all markets measured in the Fall be available for Spring?
Yes. All markets that were measured in Fall 2019 will be reported with Ctrl and Full Coverage data.
3. What weeks will be measured in the Spring 2020 survey?** Diaries from the previous release (either Spring 2019 or Fall 2018) will also be included as needed.
4. Can I look at Spring only results?
No, it is not possible to separate the Fall and Spring diaries.
5. Do I need to update my Radius software because of this change?
No, Radius is not impacted.
6. Are survey releases for meter markets affected?
No, there is currently no impact on ppm data releases.
For more information please feel free to contact us at